Hair Loss Solutions
That Work
Are you waking up to hair loss and poor health every day? Wondering if you should be concerned?
So, the good news is that you are already in the right place. I am Tameshia Hicks, the founder of Uptown Diva Restoration Clinic, and I am a certified trichologist and holistic health practitioner who has a wealth of experience in helping women like you fight the battle against hair loss.
There are many reasons why alopecia can occur, and a certified and accomplished trichologist like myself can assist you with spotting the real culprit behind this issue.

Tameisha Hicks, Founder of Uptown Diva Hair Restoration Clinic
My Story...
Meet Your Certified Trichologist
In addition to being qualified in hair and scalp issues, as a woman I know exactly what you are going through.
There are many events in a woman’s life that can make her feel inadequate. Hair loss is one of them. I pledged to become a power of positivity and empowerment for women after the loss of my first baby. The entire ordeal put me under massive stress and made me feel lesser than a woman. But with courage, perseverance, and from the help of experts I emerged from it stronger than ever and turned my experience into something beautiful. Now, I help women like you put the pieces together with why you’re losing your hair. At the end of the day, feeling healthy makes us feel more empowered and loved, right?
I have been on the mission to help women feel beautiful inside and out, by helping them in their journey to grow healthy hair. Experiencing hair loss can sometimes make you feel inadequate as a woman. But it doesn’t have to be that way. I have helped many women over the past 15 years win their battle against thinning hair and tricky scalp issues.
It all starts with a Diva’s assessment call with me. It’s time to book yours too!
Get a Complimentary 20-minute Diva’s Assessment
Do you even need to book a discovery session?
If you want to begin your journey to recovery, then YES. You need to book a 20-minute assessment call. There are many reasons for hair loss. Actually, hair loss could also be a warning sign for a more pressing problem.
An assessment call with me will initiate the process of uncovering what kind
of imbalance is actually leading to your hair and/or scalp issues.
You see, everyone’s body is different. The same hair loss medication and treatment do not work for everyone.
In fact, indulging in over-the-counter medication or treatment without a proper assessment by a specialist could put you further behind on the road to recovery.
The Diva’s assessment call will put you on track to rule out the silent culprit for your hair and scalp problems, and is the prerequisite to the perfect recovery package. Make sure you make the right decision for your hair and health by dedicating 15 minutes to the Diva’s assessment call. Prior to the assessment call, I will share a thorough intake form for you to fill out. This will give me all the information I need to conduct a thorough assessment of your unique situation during our time together. Following the assessment call, you will have the opportunity to schedule a full consultative session that will support your hair, health, and overall wellness.
What to expect at a consultation?
Following the Diva’s assessment call, you can schedule a 90-minute consultation where I will conduct
a detailed investigation of your body’s physiology to really dip deep into the cause(s) of your hair and scalp issues.
This will reveal the imbalance(s) that are actually contributing to your hair loss.
Knowing the precise cause of your hair loss will guide me in providing a fully customized recovery plan for you.
To start your journey to recovery, book your Diva’s assessment call today.
A Real-Life Success Story
Before &
This is of a client that started coming to me in February of 2022 because she was losing her hair and having difficulty finding the right style to wear. She was losing her hair in the crown and she had some erythema in that area. With consistency and treatments we were able to regain follicle activity and minimize the erythema on the scalp. We are continuing to make progress and the results you see were in a 5 month period.

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